Sunday, November 14, 2010


Cooperation is an act of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit. What cooperation means to me is when you are placed in a group to do an assignment or when you might need the help of someone in the group or person will be there to help you. In group assignments it is everyone responsibility to do a certain part of the assignment, this way the assignment will be finished in time and everyone will receive a grade because they put effort in the assignment. If certain people from the group did not want to do their part of the assignment then the assignment would be delayed, it will take more time to complete the assignment, and more work will be put on the other group members because they will now have to complete extra work. This is why we all have to work together to insure everyone is doing everything they are supposed to. Now the group will no longer receive an appropriate grade because not everyone cooperated in fulfilling their tasks. This like in many cases cooperation plays a major role in the assignment. People are giving certain tasks and are expected to complete them, but if they do not complete them they have now put more work upon the other group members and may have jeopardized their assignment. This is why cooperation is important to me. If you have the cooperation of someone you will have more help and be able to fulfill a task faster and more efficient. 

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