A group of people go right to college after graduating high school, but others prefer to wait a year or more to experience other things before going to college. In my opinion, I prefer to go straight to a college or university because I will still be used to going to school, I will start my career quicker, I will not loose knowledge but gain it, and I will not become lazy to go back to school after taking time off from it.
I have been in school for thirteen years and I am very used to school. If I quit school for a period of time after high school, I think I will feel incapable of doing the work and learning again. For example, knowing that I am older than the average age of undergraduates, might make me feel moronic for giving up a year in school. That will not be a good feeling to acquire because it will lead to self-pettiness and I would not desire that. For someone to experience those thoughts might influence them to drop out of college, which will not allow them to achieve a higher education and their goals.
Going to college directly after high school will jump start my career. I will not waste any time because it means that I will get my degrees at an early age and earn a high paying occupancy sooner. It will also give me the privilege to buy anything I want and need. If you wait a year or even a day, you will be held back from achieving your dreams and aspirations. I know I will not like for that to happen to me. I hope you don’t either. Life isn’t simple, but you just have to make the best out of it. If you really want something, you will set your mind to the right path. I know sometimes life has its downfalls, but do not let it ruin your plans forever. There are always other ways to achieve and accomplish your dreams. You just have to look for those other ways.
I might loose knowledge for not going to college immediately after high school because I will not be worried about school. I will be concerned about work and bills . If I were to go back to school after all that stress, I might have to re-teach myself basic things, such as history or how to write a great essay. It would be a shame if I had to start from scratch again. Most people will not go back to school because of the loss of knowledge.
Some people you quit school for some time will get lazy to go back because they have already experienced life, such as work, rent, bills, and other expenses. These things can be irritating and the person will tend to forget about school because of it. Since they will be working, they might be tight with money, which will definitely make them not go to college because there will not be enough money to pay for it.
I believe the best choice will be to go to college right after high school because you will start your career faster and you will not waste time with other things. choose wisely about your future after highs school. You don’t want to regret it.
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