Thursday, December 9, 2010

Semester Essay # 9

Elementary and secondary schools around the country are beginning to actively address the problem of bullies. In your opinion, is bullying an issue that should be addressed by schools or left to parents? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

          Bullying is an immensely serious subject because it often involves the emotional or physical abuse of one person by another. Alone, bullying in general sounds horrible. Now, imagine this being done to a child no bigger than seven years old by a much older child, say about fifteen years old. If you look at this situation from the younger child’s point of view, it could be one very traumatic experience. Who do you, as the bullied child turn to, your parents of course. Who do your parents turn to, the school of course. For this reason I believe bullying is an issue that should be addressed by both elementary and secondary schools, as well as by parents.
            It is not a secret that children do not like to tell every detail about their lives to their parents. Some children might find it embarrassing to tell their parents that they are being bullied for any number of reasons. Others may simply think they will be ridiculed, even more, by their older siblings if it were to be known that they were being bullied. In cases such as these, there is no one else a child can turn to except the school. And why shouldn’t they? It is the school’s duty to ensure the protection of all students on school grounds during school hours. That being said, administrators or teachers can keep a look out for the suspected bully and establish order once again.
            A bullied child may exhibit the complete opposite behavior. They might not want the school involved at all. Some children may not wish to take it up with the school for fear of being called names and being made fun of by so called friends. Or a bullied child may fear that if he or she complained to the school, the bullying would only get worse. In such a situation, a child may find it more comfortable telling their parents they are having problems at school than telling the school itself. If a child were to come to their parents for help, it would then be up to the parents to address the problem and perhaps have a meeting with the bully’s parents. A bullied child’s parents could also ask one of the older siblings to keep a lookout for their younger brother or sister and intervene when necessary.
            No two children are completely alike. Thus, when it comes to bullying, schools and parents should both be prepared. Worse case scenario, a bullied child may not want to tell they are being bullied to the school or their parents. However, if they know they have two options to go to for help it is more likely that they will reconsider and ask someone, be it the parents or the school. Both should be prepared to address the problem and find a solution at any given time. Whatever the case, bullying only gets worse with time and the faster someone address it the safer a bullied child can feel.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In-Cass Image Description

Color: I see a blend of dark blue and light blue as the sky meets the ocean and a touch of green as the sun's light hits the water,

Sounds: I hear the wind blowing gently, the waves rumbling, and the splash as the dolphins jump in and out of the water.

Mood: The image creates a sense of serenity. It makes me feel peaceful.

Emotion: The image gives me a calming emotion. It leaves me amazed at how the dolphins jump and makes me feel carefree.

Taste: I can taste the saltwater that inevitably ends up in your mouth when you swim in the ocean.

Semester Essay # 8

Carpooling, recycling, and planting trees are all activities that are good for the environment. Write an essay convincing readers to actively participate in one of these activities.

            Everyone with the ability to observe, I presume, should know what recycling is or should have at least heard of it. Recycling should be known because it is in everyone’s household or place of residency. It is the big blue trash can that sits in your driveway, backyard, etc. However, although recycling is right under people’s noses not everyone does it. Recycling has a lot of positive effects which is why I believe more people should participate in it. These positive effects benefit people in general so there is no reason why it shouldn’t be done.
            Recycling helps to minimize the use of earth’s limited natural resources. This is of great importance because it insures that what few natural resources remain will last longer. There will be more natural resources for everyone, everywhere. As one can see, recycling benefits earth’s population as a whole. It does not target one race, one culture, one country, etc. It is to the benefit of all to recycle.
            Apart from reducing the waste of earth’s natural resources, recycling also prevents the build up of waste, or in other words trash. All the trash people throw out gets sent to a landfill and sits there for a long time. When we take the time to recycle, recyclable materials such as plastic bottles and containers do not take up space in the landfill. Instead, they are reused to create another product. Would you rather have more trash sit in landfills or would you rather separate what can be reused and create more goods? To me, the choice is simple. I would much rather recycle, thus lowering the need to constantly build more landfills because of all of the waste. The worst case scenario would be for a landfill to actually end up next to one’s house. Now that would be disgusting. It’s better to never let that happen by just recycling.
            How great would it be to make a difference in the world? I don’t know if it is just me, but I am constantly hearing people say they aspire to make a change and do something special. Why not start with recycling? Believe it or not, recycling is one of the ways you can positively help the environment. We all know our environment is not currently in its best shape. Global warming, the lack of fresh water, the ozone layer, and the polar ice caps melting are all negative issues in the environment. Why add another problem? Let’s keep our environment running as it should and maintain its beauty. Recycling can assist in such a quest.
            It is interesting to consider all the great purposes recycling can serve. There will be more natural resources for future generations, less trash in landfills, and the environment will benefit. All this can be achieved if you just take the time to throw paper, plastic bottles, and all other reusable/recyclable materials away separately. In reality recycling does not ask much of you. Start making a difference today. Recycle!

Young Person In an Old Person

Most of the time when a person becomes old they lose their young spirit, but every one in a while you come across an old person who is still young at heart. My grandpa was definitely an old person who was young at heart. Although at times he was limited in motion and endurance he never failed to smile. My grandpa would constantly try to trip me when I least expected it. Whether he failed or succeeded in his attempt to trip me he always burst out laughing. It was in moments like these that he reminded me of a child who finds joy in the simplest of things. 
            My grandpa's curiosity did not diminish as his age increased. He was always learning new things whether it be from the bible or from nature. He loved to spend time outside working on little projects. He would volunteer to fix up the house every time he came over. My grandpa thought it was a waste of time to sit around the house all day long. Despite his age, the last thing he wanted to do was watch television all day or sleep all day. He wanted to be active and be kept busy.  My grandfather was special to me and his being young at heart was one of his best qualities.

Cats and dogs

Cats and dogs are both domestic animals. Cats and dogs have characteristics that make them both interesting yet very different. Ever heard of the phrase "fight or flight"? Well, dogs are more of the fight part, while cats are the flight part. Cats are extremely skilled in jumping and climbing. It is quite often that I spot a cat climbing a tree or jumping down from the top of a statue. For this reason, whenever they are faced with danger or feel threaten they will resort to their skill and flee. In contrast, dogs are not the best at jumping from high places and can not climb. How many times have you found a dog climbing up a tree or telephone pole? For this reason, dogs are known to stay and face their danger. When challenged, dogs will more likely become aggressive and attack. Dogs are also way more social than cats are. Dogs enjoy the company of other dogs and people. Trained dogs will let random passersby pet them and play with them. The same can not be said for cats. Cats, most of the time, prefer to be the only pet of a household. As for letting random passersby pet them, not even trained cats like this. Most cats, or at least in my case and from those I have witnessed, runaway the moment you look at them or move one step towards them. Another difference is in their hunting skills. Cats are better at picking up quick movements and reacting while dogs are better at using their sense of smell to track. Cats and dogs have to be two of the most popular pets. Both have different personalities but both benefit from great owners and love.

Dressing for a Formal Ocassion vs. Dressing for an Informal Occasion

Dressing for a formal occasion is much different from dressing for an informal occasion. For one, dressing for an informal occasion requires less thought. Informal occasions can be hanging out with your friends or going to the grocery store. In these cases it is always an excellent idea to go with jeans. The top portion of the outfit depends on the weather. If it is hot, a t-shirt is a good way to go. If it is cold, grabbing a hoodie is a better choice. In contrast, you can not just throw something on for a formal occasion. You must first consider the type of formal occasion, for example it could be a job interview or a ball. For a job interview you must be professional. Slacks always work best. Pair slacks with a dressy shirt, vest or coat and you are well on your way to impressing by sight. However, this type of outfit would not be suitable for a ball. When you go to functions such as a ball or a dance, choosing a elegant dress for girls and a tuxedo for guys is appropriate. If you were to show up at a job interview with a long sleek red dress, a big beautiful pearl necklace, and long black gloves, you would look silly because in a sense you would be overdressed. When you dress for an informal occasion you are dressing to suit your comfort zone. In contrast when you are dressing for a formal occasion, you are dressing to impress. One requires less thought but when dressing for both occasions, the weather should affect the final outcome.

Raw Foods vs Cooked Foods

There is a clear difference between raw foods and cooked foods. Raw food have absolutely not been cooked in any way, shape or form. In contrast, as its name suggests, cooked foods have absolutely been cooked. One clear example can be seen in apples. When you eat an apple just the way it is you can in a sense say you are eating the apple raw. However when you eat apples in an apple pie, the same can not be said. Apples in apple pie have to have passed time in an oven. Thus, the apples have been cooked. The difference between raw and cooked foods can also be seen in the texture of the food. Continuing with the example of an apple, when an apple is eaten raw it is crunchy, juicy, and hard. When an apple is eaten cooked it is the complete opposite. Once cooked, an apple is no longer as crunchy or hard. In fact, cooked apples soften up and are of course, warm. It is possible for the apple to maintain its juiciness, but that quality won't be as obvious as it once was. Raw foods also contrast to cooked foods when it comes to added ingredients. When you eat raw foods, such as an apple, most people eat it just the way it is. However, part of the fun of cooking foods is making different combinations. When you cook the apple in an apple pie, it is likely that now the apple has been mixed with cinnamon and other ingredients. The difference between raw apples and cooked apples is just one example. Most of the time it takes raw foods to make cooked foods. Both are equally as satisfying, depending on the nature of your hunger.

Spicy Foods vs. Sweet Foods

Sweet and spicy foods are two completely different types of tastes. Sweet food has the flavor of sugar. Sugar is what makes sweet food sweet. In contrast, spicy food has little to no sugar and if it does then it can not be detected. As its name suggests, spicy food usually has a mixture of spices. When you eat sweet foods you stimulate your taste buds in a different way then when you eat spicy foods. Sweet foods such as chocolate or cake taste sugary  and smooth. It is, no pun intended and for the lack of a better word, a sweet taste. In contrast spicy foods can create that sense where you are dying for water. Spicy foods are the ones that leave you sucking in air to rid yourself of the strangely addicting burn in your mouth. Spicy foods are the ones that leave your tongue tingling. When you compare a lollipop to a jalapeno the difference is pretty clear. One is a ball of sugar and one is a mouth full of hot. The same thing applies to a pie and Spicy gumbo. The pie satisfies the sweet tooth while the spicy gumbo satisfies your need for "pop". Sweet foods are more delicate in taste while spicy food have an added "bam" to it. In both cases, sweet and spicy foods satisfy the hunger of many people and when combined, at times, can create a beautiful neutral dish.

Semester Essay #7

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their native country. In fact, many people believe that the United States is the best country in the world. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Do you believe that the United States is the best country in the world? I am very spectacle about this. I think the United States is great; however, there are many more negative qualities it pertains. Just because the United States is, the wealthiest nation it does not mean it is perfect. I know there are hundreds of people that believe what I believe about this country.
The United States is a wonderful nation is the opportunity to provide education. Certain states in Mexico, Afghanistan, and Rwanda do not have the opportunity to attend and institute, or school, because of their class status- poor. I believe that we the American citizens are very fortunate to have the chance of obtaining an education easily and free. The second reason why the United States is the best country is the endless amount of job occupations it provides. It can range from babysitting, or childcare, to working for a top millionaire company. There are several kinds of jobs that one can have, but there is always one occupation someone will want to achieve.
I have much reason why the United States is NOT the best in the world. One reason is taxes. Everyone hates taxes. To put it in simpler terms, you lose more money than what you generally need to. Who wants to lose money? No one so why tax people. People are told to believe that it helps our country with establishing new schools and paying for bigger expenses, but doesn’t our government need to provide money for us. They work for us. It is not the other way around. We can overthrow them within an hour if we really had the guts to but we do not. The second reason is the requirement for all males 25 years of age and under to register for the Selective Service. Why force someone to go endanger their life if they do not choose to? This seems to be unconstitutional to our freedom.
However, the government seems to not really listen as much as we want them to even if we are a capitalist nation. The United States can be fair at times but they have more bad choices than it appears to everyone from another country. It is hard to keep live here because of its’ prices on houses, apartments, or condominiums and other expenses like gas. In my future I plan to move somewhere out of California and then out of country.

If I were a doctor

If I were a doctor, I would be  dentist. To be a dentist, I would have to make sure that the patient does not have any cavities, bad hygiene, or any dent teeth. If otherwise, I would have to do a long treatment to fix those issues. If it was a cavity, I would have to numb the tooth and drill the cavity out from the tooth or teeth. If they had bad hygiene, I would have to clean their mouth with special cleaning tools. I will also tell them to floss and brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes.
Being a dentist (doctor) is hard stuff. I will probably be a bit afraid of using the tools because I can hurt someone in accident. And I do not want any of that to happen. You have to be very gentle because teeth are sensitive. I know my teeth sometimes are when I leave the orthodontists office.
At the end of the appointment I would say, "have a good day and don't forget to brush and floss. See you next time!"

How Weather Affects My Mood

The sunny weather makes me want to be outside and awake. However, sometimes when it is extremely hot I feel irritable and wish I could just be in a pool all day. In contrast, cloudy weather is the complete opposite. When it is cloudy, everything looks gray and dark. Because of this I too feel gloomy. I feel like being inside the house and sleeping all day. The nature outside doesn't seem to be awake and thus I end up feeling sleepy. On rainy days the drops of water make a splish splashy sound. Sometimes, not always, this makes me want to go outside and play in the rain. I want to feel the rain on my skin. Other times it makes me want to stay inside and stay warm under a blanket. When the weather forecast is heavy winds I sometimes feel like being outside just to feel the wind move through my hair. Other times, since I see the trees almost in a wrestling battle with the wind, I feel like staying safe inside my house where everything is peaceful and calm. I don't necessarily feel these ways every time the weather changes. 

Friends Birthday

There are many ways to celebrate a birthday. However, birthday celebrations depend on the personality of the persons who's birthday is coming up. I have to think about their personality and what they will like to receive as a gift or what activity they would like to do. I can have an idea of what kind of present to give them if I know how they are. I would go shopping for their present, while shopping you may find something that you like, but you also have to think about if they will like it as well. If you believe they wont, you need to keep looking. Once you think you have found the right present, then you should call them and ask if they could meet you somewhere that afternoon. You would surprise them with the present and after giving them the present you will invite them somewhere. It could be to a party, or out to eat, something you both will enjoy. If my friends birthday was coming up this is something I would do for them. I will probably chose a place that is very exciting and fun. I would not want there birthday to be boring. I will try my best to make their birthday an unforgettable one. I will also try to get their family involved in the celebration.

Decade I will Like To Live In

If I could live during any decade I would like to live during the 80's because this is when alot of new things came about and there were also some tragic things but very historic. In 1980, John Lennon was assassinated. At this time Mount St. Helens also erupted. That toy every kid wanted was consistent of different color cubes called the Rubik's cube. It became very popular among everyone. Even til now I cannot get the pattern. It is very tricky. Ted Turner also established CNN. In 1981 they tried to assassinate both the Pope and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. We had never imagined that Sandra Day O'Connor would ever be appointed to the supreme court and it did happen this year. That was such a good accomplishment for her. That year a new plague had evolved. It was identified as AIDS. Pac-Man also became extremely popular among the kids and adults. IBM introduced personal computers. In entertainment, E.T. was released in theaters and Michael Jackson released Thriller. Cabbage Patch Kids became popular among kids. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. In 1985, the new Coke hit the market. This year as well the wreck of the Titanic was found. I would have liked to live in other decades, but for some reason I found this one very interesting. However, I am glad that I know these things even if i wasn't born yet. My decade is still great though.


There was this new girl  from Mexico that just arrived from Yucatan, Mexico a week ago. I was personally asked to write an article about her since she is new. First of all, the first thing on the article would be that her name, Teresa Vasquez. I would ask her for her information such as the year and date when he was born, her age, and what are some of her interests. I would also ask him what are some of her favorite hobbies, her favorite color, food, beverage, and also how many brothers and sisters he has. I would also like to include what she wants to become when he grows up, the job in which she wants to succeed in. It would also be a great idea to include quotes from her family members telling us what a wonderful person Teresa is. In the article I will also include pictures of her with her family members. These would be the things I would include in the article. The most important questions I will ask Teresa will be what will she like to pursure in the Unites States and why did she decide to emigrate here. This will be a very interesting article.

Master Plan

To make my community a better place, it would be best that we all cooperate with each other. I willnot be able to do make a change all alone. I will need them help from my community. It would be great to establish an organization where anyone can join, if they want. If my community was dirty and there was trash on the streets or other public places, I would  like for us to dedicate one day of the week to go out and clean those places. Maybe we can spend a whole week just to clean up the environment as much as possible.
To keep  children away from violence it would be a good idea to get the kids involved in sports or clubs that will catch their attention. This can also be applied to adults so that way they can be occupied to stay away from violence. Basically it would be fundamental that we all work together and pitch in to make our community a better place to live in. It takes us to make a change together. We all need each other in this world no matter what happens. We can make the change.

Typical Day of My Life

I usually wake up at 6:30 A.M. to get ready for school. I get all my things ready before I head out the door. I do my hair, change clothing, and brush my teeth. At 7:10 A.M. I leave my house. I walk to the school's bus stop, which I have to be there by 7:30 A.M. The worse part of this is that I have to walk in the cold mornings. I do not like that, but this i the only way I can go to school. Then when I arrive to school, I eat breakfast and then go to class. I do all my work and listen to lectures in the classrooms. I also have a good time with my friends during school. After school I go to soccer practice for two hours- 3pm-5pm. It is actually fun going but it is hard work. I run alot and do drills. Once I get picked up by my dad I go home and eat first. Then, I relax for like ten minutes before doing homework. I start homework and usually finish by like 7:30 pm. After, homework I shower, which is the best time because I know I am done with everything. However, sometimes I have to clean or make food. Finally, once everything is done I watch TV or text. This is a typical day of my life, which I do everyday.

My favorite Season

My favorite season is Spring. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, trees are green, and most of all the weather is not too cold or too hot. It is just right. During that time, I like to go bike riding at the park or walk around and see nature in it best. I like when my family gets together from both sides of the family and just have fun and mingle.
This season is perfect for any occasion or just simply lay down without it being too cold or hot. I like to smell the flowers when they bloom. They smell so delicate. I love Spring!
It is a very genuine season that I like. It also comes right after the cold season which is wonderful timing!

I Dislike..

One of the vegetables that i truly dislike are TOMATOES. I cannot have tomatoes in any of my dishes because i will not eat the food. I am very particular about the food that i eat and especially if one of the ingredients in the dish are tomatoes. If the dish does contain  tomatoes I have to be able to see it so I can take it out of the dish. When my mom cooks she knows that I dislike tomatoes and that I cannot eat them if I cannot visually see them. She is kind enough to cut pieces of tomatoes big enough so that I can see them in my dish or she warns me if the dish contains any. I dislike tomatoes because I do not like their taste: its smushy and nasty. They are just not my preference when it comes to eating vegetables. The only time i can eat tomatoes is when I eat Jiva. I can hardly taste the tomatoes so this will be the only exception EVER.

Ending Relationship...

It is very difficult to determinate a relationship. It hurts not only the person you are ending the relationship with, but to you also. Ending a relationship can be one of the most dreadful tasks for many people. For this reason, it is important to end a relationship on a good note. When ending a relationship try to stay as calm and do it as nicely as possible to not hurt the other person even more with your harsh tone. It is important to remember that your soon to be ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend was once someone who meant very much to you and will leave you with some good memories. Nothing will take those memories away no matter what. Timing is also important when ending a relationship, for example do not break up with someone hours before a big final exam or on their big day. That will leave you with guilt. However, do not force yourself to be in a relationship for a long period of time just to keep that  significant other happy. It will lead you to hate your decision because you will only be making that person fall in love with you more.  You must be prepared to explain why you are ending the relationship to your significant other. You can not just say it is over and not explain why. Your significant other deserves to know why you have made the decision. End the relationship no matter what happens, such as begging and pleading. It will not be the smartest choice for your life.

Impulse Buying

Impulse buying is a bad habit. Most of the time we get caught up in an item that we think we must have it. It could be because it is the newest item that just came out to the market or because of the quality it contains. We are so caught up thinking we have to purchase it to look "cool" but who cares what others think. We do not think about the qualities of the item or new benefits it will bring to us. We do not stop to think what will be the best item for us we just go straight for the eye catching items. Impulse buying has consequences.
Emotions and feelings play a decisive role in this purchase because you can feel depressed and to make you feel better you buy things. However, buying artificial items does not take away the scar you have internally. When an impulse purchase is made it could often lead to financial difficulties depending on the item , family disapproval, or feeling guilt or disappointment. Impulse buying is only a desired item, it is not a reasonable purchase and we do not think about the details of buying when we are drawn to the item. I believe impulse buying can ruin one's life because they can become bankrupt and then end up being poor

Modern Life Without Computers!

In my opinion, modern life would be a completely different world without computers. Nowadays, people and companies are so dependent on the computer for everything, like work, school work, social networking, and etc. If we didn't have computers things would be a lot harder for us and time consuming. With computers we do all of our research online at any time of day or night. However, if computers failed to exist we would have to read through countless amount of books to find what we are looking for. Modern life would also be different without computers because there would be one less device of communication. We use computers to send e-mails and keep in touch with friends and families. If we didn't have computers then e-mails and online chatting rooms and networks would not exist. We would have to stick to sending letters through the mail all the time, which will take a week to receive or maybe even more depending how far the person is.
Computers allow us to write papers and correct grammar all at once. We can make charts on the computer and tables. Without computers, modern life wouldn't have all these benefits. We wouldn't be able to type a paper for a class except on a typewriter, but we will have to be careful with grammar and spelling. If you make a mistake you will have to start over because there is not backspace button to erase. Our papers would come out with a lot more mistakes because there would be no spelling check.  If we didn't have computers we might have to constantly carry around books. No one wants that right!?

Monday, December 6, 2010


If  I could live during any decade I would chose to live in the eighties. The eighties is one of the most talked about decades and I would want to see what all the hype is about. The eighties is known for big hair and crazy outfits. I would definitely be curious as to how I would dress if i lived in the eighties. I wonder what I would look like with big hair and stonewashed denim jeans. I currently live in a world where technology is everything. I would be interested to see how life would be like with absolutely no texting or touch screens. I am sure the amount and quality of television shows would decline but I wouldn't mind. The eighties was also a time where money went a longer way. Things were cheaper and came in a greater amount back then. It would be a nice change to get more value for my money. Music from the eighties must have also been different. I would like to experience the music craze back then as well. I think the eighties was a decade where life was a little simpler and more relaxed. That would be a nice change in comparison to the now hectic, stressful style of living most Americans live. Overall I would just be curious to experience the general atmosphere of the eighties.

Music Video

One music video that I like a lot is actually a scene in a movie but can be seen as a music video online. The video I am talking about is called "Only Hope" and is sung by Mandy Moore. It is a song she sung in the movie "A Walk to Remember" This music video is so cute and inspirational. The main character, Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore) is singing the song as part of a school play. It is in her singing of the song that the male main character Landon Carter (Shane West) realizes that he is in love with Jaime. His macho, cool personality seems to disappear from his face and he is left looking vulnerable and scared. The words in the music video are about understanding that Jesus is hope. Mandy Moore's voice is so smooth and beautiful that it is perfect for this song and scene. Her angelic voice brings out the emotion of the viewers and their acting only makes it better. At the end of the song Jaime sits back down and looks at Landon. Something overcomes Landon and he leans forward and kisses her gently. He couldn't resist. The kiss was not part of the scene in the play so it shows that he truly does love her. he leaves Jamie surprised and even surprises himself. This song is powerful.

Year Abroad

I am about to spend a year abroad in Italy and must learn Italian in about two weeks. What do I do? The first step I take is to go out and buy one of those DVDs that help you learn foreign languages fast and easy. Examples of this include Rosetta Stone and any other similar teaching guide. I will create a schedule for me to watch and learn Italian at least two hours a day. If I watch these videos and repeat what they say I am sure I will start to pick up the basics of Italian quickly. However, I must stay committed and not give up when I become frustrated. Next I will go out and practice my Italian. I will go out to restaurants and see if i can order food in Italian. I might go out to a bookstore and see if I can read an Italian book. Learning Italian for me will consist of hearing and then practicing with other people. if I don't practice then I will not get the hang of it. Practicing with other people is important because they can interact with me in a way that the DVD/ television ca not. They can give me extra pointers and point out what I am doing wrong.I will have an advantage in learning Italian because I know Spanish and Italian consists of some similarities to Italian. If I follow theses steps I should pick up Italian quickly for my year abroad trip.

People and Animals

The relationship some people have with their animals can sometimes be one of the most beautiful relationships. When a person shares a deep connection with their animal their is a mutual love that resonates whenever they are around each other. When a animal commits to a relationship with a human they have committed their loyalty and sometimes even their life. The animal will immediately act if it feels their person is in danger and may even risk their life to save that of their partner. I think relationships between people and their animals are so great because the person finds a non judgmental factor in the animal. No matter how bad the person acted at work or what he did while driving, the animal looks right past it and continues to love the person. This gives the person a sense of security in knowing that even if he commits mistakes there will always be someone at home who loves him. To the animal the person serves as a master. the person gives commands and if obeyed the animal gets treats. The person feeds them, plays with them, and shows affection with pats and "good boys." It is a relationship where there is a balance between give and take. Another relationship animals have with people is that of service. Some animals serve their person as eyes. they are a form of guidance. Animals and people create bonds that last a long time.

Best Dessert Ever

The most luscious, decadent dessert ever has to be something with milk chocolate. As a chocolate lover, I would start of by having a milk chocolate cake. Inside, the filling would be of a vanilla butter cream of some sort or a mixture of strawberry vanilla. This would add more depth to the cake instead of it just being only chocolate. The outside frosting would be chocolate mousse, handmade and whipped of course. On top would be some chocolate dipped strawberries and some milk chocolate shavings. On the side would be one of two choices. The first choice is a scoop of french vanilla ice cream to add contrast to the sense of the tongue. The second choice is a cold glass of milk to help the chocolate delight go down. Either way both choices would add quality to the already amazing dessert. This dessert would immediately warm the taste buds and create an explosion of smooth goodness. I can already imagine the touch of the chocolate on my lips as it lands on my tongue and creates music on impact. As it goes down my throat, my taste buds are already begging for more.With such a deliciously good dessert at hand, taking the last bite would be so sad yet so satisfying. I seriously wish I had this creation of yum in front of me right now.

Public Schooling and Homeschooling

Homeschooling or homeschool, also called home education or home learning, is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to private schools outside the home or educational institutions operated by civil governments. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in all 50 United States and some countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, improved character and morality development, the expense of private education, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It may be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily abroad.

Knowledge vs. Understanding

Understanding and knowledge are two different words and two different meanings. Understanding is a process that takes time and requires energy for intellectual intelligence. Knowledge is familiarity with facts, which you may have learned through study, observations, or personal experience. Understanding you can distinguish or judge between two things. To understand something you have to gain the meaning or essence of something. Understanding is also called intellectual, it is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message. Knowledge acquisition involves processes: perception, learning, and communication. The term knowledge is also used to mean the confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use it for a specific purpose. What knowledge and understanding do have in common is that they both work hand in hand. In order to attain knowledge of something you first have to understand the concept.  Without one, you cannot have the other.

Most Effective Teacher I Have Ever Had

I believe that the most effective teacher I have ever had was my eleventh grade English teacher, Mr. Cain. He was a very great instructor. If  I had trouble with something he will explain it to me in a different way. He always pushed his students to do the best that they can do. With his ability to teach, I was able to understand everything thoroughly and effectively. I will always get A's or B's in his class. Aside from his professional skills, e was a good friend. He was easy to talk to and funny. However, I knew that he was still an adult so I still respected him.
The books he made us read were very interesting. He will make us rethink about things in other perspective, which was very unique. He will also teach us about life lessons in a way that we can understand. He taught me so much about myself and how I can pursue my dreams. The sad thing is that he is no longer at my school anymore. He is my favorite teacher from High School.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

if i do not get enough sleep, thenext morning i will not want to get up from bed. I will do everything slower than usual. If I were at school I will be quiet and keep to myself. I would not want to do any work but i know i have to. I will probably be moody also. I will probably back talk people who are getting on my nerves, like my sisters, or a teacher i do notlike. That is why I always go to sleep no later than eleven because I know I will not be myself. since i go to soccer practice right after, I will not want to go. I will want to go home and rest so i can be productive the next day or the same day. I will need my rest to get all my things done for a day of work. I am always doing something lik homework, cleaning, school, soccer practice or games. I have a very busy life.

Learning a New Language

Learning a new language isn't easy as it may seem. When we think adding new words to our vocabulary it  seems overwhelming, especially when we have a certain amount of time to learn these new terms and language. If your goal is to learn a new language one of the most successful options to do is by an audio course. In the first step, you will need to find time in which you can fully concentrate on what you are doing. The most important thing is to find a place and time that fits in your schedule. Step number two, it is important to eliminate distractions. In step number three, if you are asked to respond to the audio voice make sure your response is loud. This helps your brain to be impressed with what you are sayingso it can be saved into your memory. Step number four, use two or three phrases and turn them into a conversation. In step number five as you continue to learn the new language learn to advance your phrases into a normal conversation. As you study your new language make sure to study every night and before you know it you will have learned a new language. I wish you luck.

A walk to remember

In Beaufort, North Carolina, a prank on a student goes terribly wrong and puts the student in the hospital. Landon Carter, a popular student with no defined plans for the future, is held responsible and forced to participate in after-school community service activities as punishment, which include starring as the lead in the school play. Also participating in these activities is Jamie Sullivan, the reverends daughter who has great ambitions and nothing in common with Landon. When Landon decides he wants to take his activities seriously, he asks Jamie for help and begins to spend most of his time with her. But he starts to develop strong feelings for her, something he did not expect to do because he had promised her he will not fall in love with her. The two start a relationship, much to the chagrin of Landon's old popular friends and Jamie's strict reverend father. But when a heart-breaking secret becomes known that puts their relationship to the test, it is then that Landon and Jamie realize the true meaning of love and fate. Jamie was diagnosed with leukemia and it was getting worse. However, Landon asked his father, who is a doctor, to help because he did not wasn't to lose the love of his life. Landon decided to get married with Jamie even though they were teenagers. A few months after getting married, Jamie died. Leaving her father and her husband very devastated but they cherished every moment they had with her. Landon then decided to pursue a career for Jamie's sake and succeeded very well.

Teenage Fad

Some teenagers are expressing their feelings for one another through a new fad, biting. This new fad came about because of the concept of vampires in movies and in the media. Most fads are brought about in the media, in movies television, and magazines. The vampires portrayed in today's media are not vampires of the past, today's vampires display feelings of love. There are plenty of vampire themes in the media. Biting is taking over this generations hickey. Biting is seen as a form of affection that symbolize ownership. If someone has a a bite or hickey, the person is usually connected with a partner. This fad came about because of hit movies that portrayed vampires as the theme, such as Twilight. These people became fans of the movie and of the theme because they want to imitate what they saw on in these movies. They saw the concept of the movies to be harmful and began to develop this fad to portray the characters they saw in these movies. Because the media is so powerful, and it is especially directed to teens, anything can become a fad and because the media is mostly directed to teens the fad gains popularity fairly quickly.

Life Without Cellphones

Considering that technology is advancing everyday and new inventions are forming, life without the invention of cellphones would be completely different. Now a days people rely a majority of their life on their phones. People can not step out of their house without having their phone in their hand. If they forget to grab there phone, they will go back in get it even if there drove five minutes away already. People use their phone to communicate with their friends, family, or they also use it for business relating topics. Cellphones are so advanced that you could practically do anything with a cellphone. The majority of cellphones can provide you with Internet access, and some people use this opportunity to check their emails if they have important business or school emails they are waiting for. The majority of cellphones also provide a camera and a video recorder. With this service you no longer need to bring a camera along where you go. Because cellphones are advancing everyday and they provide all these features and more modern life would not be the same without cellphones. To some people cellphones is an item that must be with them all the time for any purpose, they no longer use a cellphone to only make a call. If cellphones are banned people will probably have a hard time without it because it has evolved so much already.

Appreciate My Parents

I have numerous reasons why I appreciate my parents. They where only sixteen years old when they had me so they have been through alot.  They both have learned to get through life with difficulties and has overcome many of them. They  worked hard because they want their children to have a descent life and get an education, something that they did not have a chance to pursue. They hope that my sisters and I pursue an education so we will have a descent lifestyle in our future and have a career that we enjoy doing.
My parents have worked most of their life and until this day they are still working. Sometimes they had to work two jobs. My dad does now. They work to provide us with all the necessities that we need and to also to not have to work, because they say it will intervene with our education and nothing is more important than our education. My parents dislike their job , but they go to their job everyday. That makes me appreciate them because i know that they are doing it for my sisters and me. I wish I can help them with money. I do not like to see them stressed and worked up. I hope i can get a job soon. One day I will be able to provide for them and repay them for everything that they have done for me. I Love You Mom and Daddy!. :)<3 They are my biggest motivators. I will do anything for them.

Family History

If I wanted to know how to preserve my family history, I would talk to my parents and my grandmother. Maybe my dad or mom's aunts and uncles.  I would ask them what are some of the traditions they perform year long, such as in holidays, birthdays or any other special occasions. I would also ask if there is something that has been passed down from generation to generation, such as something valuable or even a recipe that was made by my ancestors. I will probably ask how was there childhood. Something else I would ask is if they had any stories or myths that were told about our ancestors. After they tell me all the traditions they do, I would try to follow them and when I have children I would encourage them to follow them as well. In some cases some of the traditions die and they are not passed to the next generations. If this was the case with my family, I will try to revive these traditions and practice them. I am pretty sure that my parents would be proud of me if I were to do this. Preserving family traditions are important because you will be keeping them alive for years to come.. Everyone should retrace their family history it is very important.

Choose the right college

Persnally, choosing where you want to go to college is a personal decision and frequently a stressful decision. You must determine what you might like to study or major in college. Many students enter college undecided, which is fine, but it is best to have some idea of a career or major to steer your way in the correct path. When you have an idea of what you might want to major in can also help the process of finding the right college. You should also create a list of the colleges you are considering and the ones that you are not. Also ask yourself questions, Do you want to live close to home or faraway? Do you want a large or small university? Can you afford to pay for it? A major obstacle for students is the cost of the university. The cost is what holds back most students because they do not know how to pay for it. However, I do not think people should do that because if its their dream school they will do whatever it takes to attend there. You should consider attending college fairs, where you will be able to meet with representatives from the universities and obtain more information on the university. The best way to get a feel of a college is by visiting the campus. Take a tour of the campus and ask questions about the college to your tour guide. By doing this you will have an opportunity to see the college in person and having more information to base your decision on. I believe this is the best way to choosing the right college because you do not want to attend a university or cal-state that you do not like. I know when I went to a campus tour, it made me really like the campus and my top school to attend is Cal-State Long Beach. I loved the atmosphere it contained and all the variety of things the uphold. Good Luck!

Sibling Fights

I  like this subject. It is because I can extremely relate to this topic. I fight with my sisters everyday! It can be about anything; little or small It is more likely than not that if you have a brother or a sister, you have fought with them at least twice. However, the limit to the fighting is very important. Like I said most brothers and sisters fight, but they also forgive each other usually within minutes and move on. They do not even have to apologize to each other, they just act like nothing happened and it is forgotten. It is like they know they forgave each other without saying a word. However, there are brothers and sister who take their sibling fights to another level. These types of fights last for years and years and can end up in the destruction of a happy family. Sibling rivalry is completely understandable but how you handle that situation can either build a sibling relationship or cost you a sibling. The best way to handle siblings not getting along is to know how to forgive. If your sibling did something to you that made you mad, remember that they are a part of your family and deserve another chance. At the end of the day, you are still related to them. Most of all you love them very much. Personally, I would not want my sisters and I to stop talking over something little, but I know I will not let that happen.<3

Favorite Game

I have several favorite games but my all-time favorite game is the monopoly baseball edition. I really enjoy playing it, especially when I play with my siblings and cousins. It includes all the thirty baseball teams, in both the American and National Leagues. It attracts me since it has to do with baseball. I love baseball! I have the chance to be able to own one of the teams or more when we play. It is like the original monopoly, just that this one is about baseball. The chance and community cards talk about baseball, such as for example if a person lands on a chance or community chest the card might say that they have to pay to fix the baseball field or buy a new ball. I like that I can relate to the game and I am very familiar with the baseball rules and the teams. It is always fun when you can relate to something because you will understand the game more clearly. It makes the whole game easier and much much much more fun! Just to be writing about this makes me want to go take out the game and start playing with my siblings. It is a really fun game and I recommend anyone to play it. Monopoly baseball edition is the best game! Now, I am gonna go get the game! Wish me luck to win! thank you

Make a new friend

It is not difficult to make new friends but I think people who have a hard time making them do not know how to approach another person. You can normally make a new friend in any setting. You have to keep your mind open for signs that someone wants to befriend you. You usually look for signs like if a person smiles or makes eye contact. To me this is the key because you cannot go up to someone who is angry. That will be a very terrible mistake, trust me! If you get a good intuition about someone, smile and introduce yourself. Begin to make a conversation with them about something general like 'what is your name?' or 'where are you from?'. Usually if that goes well that is a good sign. Begin to share some details about yourself with the person. They will see that you are comfortable talking about it and maybe they will share some details about themselves with you. Most of all, be YOURSELF! Do not be someone fake because that will lead to problems like dislike.  This is usually a good way to figure out if both of you share the same interests. If you do, you can think about getting together some other time and talk about those interests in common. If you really enjoyed each others company and had fun, it could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. GOOD LUCK!

Visitors From Another Planet

Explaining a new world to someone from another planet might be difficult but pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem, such as physical systems or living organisms. In other words, pollution harms our environment. I would explain what are the things that pollute our planet. Air pollution comes from both natural and man made sources. Though globally man made pollutants come from combustion, construction, mining, agriculture and warfare are increasingly significant in the air pollution equation. Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air pollution. Another form of pollution comes from factories where they make things such as chemical plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity, incinerators, and large livestock farms. Pollution is bad and it is harming our planet. A lot  of people are not aware of this and I think that everyone should know. We should all take care of our environment and the things that were put here on Earth. I will tell them how to help my planet become safer, so there wont be more negative problems in this world

Good Driver

To become a good driver you have to follow all the rules and regulations. There are many different types of test that you can take that will categorize you as a good driver or a not so good driver. These tests are mainly composed of questions that ask about behavior and different types of techniques. In my opinion, what makes a person a good driver would be someone who does not get moody so easily while driving. A good driver will not break any laws and be a law abiding citizen. The driver will always use their signals and not pass the peed limit. It is very important to look t your blind slide to avoid car crashes and death. A good driver would always give the right of way to a pedestrian. They will obey all the rules and make sure that they are being safe drivers while they are behind a driving wheel. A good driver will have all documentation in their car just in case they get pulled over by a cop or law enforcement. Make sure you attain a DRIVERS LICENSE or Permit! I know many people drive without a license but its a risky risk. Just be safe

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I would definitely be interested in getting the chance to go visit Spain. I would want to go visit the country Spain because there is just so much to do. I could go see Barcelona or Madrid. I could take a trip to Granada or Toledo. I love to play soccer and if I had the chance to go to Barcelona, Spain, without a doubt I would go see FC Barcelona play a soccer game in their amazing stadium. The food in any one of these popular places of Spain would be a privilege to taste. Best of all, the language of Spain would be no problem at all since I so happen to speak Spanish as well. While in Spain, I would be interested to learn about the royal history of such a country. I would also love to go see many of Spain most interesting attractions such as the beautiful gardens and architectural wonders of Alhambra in Granada. The running of the bulls is something I would never dare to try but I would not mind watching it from an elevated position. I also find Spain appealing because of its beautiful because and islands. Before I leave Spain I would have to do some serious shopping at their many wonderful stores and plazas. Overall, I find Spain so appealing because there is so much to do and so much to see.

Visiting a Foreign Country

A country that i will like to visit is the most beautiful city in the world, Paris or France in general.  I have never been to Paris but I do know that the city is filled with natural beauty and art. Just as simple as taking a walk around the city, absorbing its beauty and being besieged by a new environment would be something special. I would also like to share the experience with someone close to me. Experiencing something so different and being out of your normal comfort zone alone doesn’t make it as fun or enjoyable as if you were with a close friend or family member. In France they have the most special place I have always dreamed about seeing, The Palace of Versailles. I find it a very interesting place from the rooms dedicated to Roman gods to Hall of Mirrors. Maybe one day I will get to experience my ideal vacation

College Admission Test

You have been informed that if you want to attend California State University of Long Beach and you have to take a college admission test before you can get you classes. You have to prepare yourself in order to be ready for the test. Something you can do is study for the course that will be on the test. Most likely the subjects you will be tested on will be English and Mathematics. That is an advantage because you know what subjects you will be tested on. Study day and night to get your classes at the school of your dreams. If you need any help on any of the subjects, you should get tutored so that way you can understand the subject better. Once you get tutored you just have to study until the day you get tested. In this case you will need to get help from everyone or from a study group with other students that will also be taking the college admission test with you. You have to be totally prepared because in order to get into the college you want to attend to you have to do your best on the college admission test.
This is the only way you can pass the test. You should not cheat! That is a very very bad thing to do. If caught, you will not be admitted to their school or any if they share your news with other colleges. Just Ace the test the right way.


Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason, according to  Prejudice is a dangerous area that can cause many negative effects. One thing that causes prejudice is the desire to be superior to another person or group. When Caucasians decide that their race is superior to a Hispanic American then they are being prejudice. They have not gotten to know the Hispanic and assumed they were better beforehand,which is a bit of racial profiling. They didn't even take the time to find out if the Hispanic were maybe some sort of genius or athletic superstar. The white American just saw the color of the skin and assumed the Hispanic were worthless.
Prejudice have a history of negativity. I know many people in this country, the United States if America, are prejudice. This country is very unequal even though it does have great benefits. When their is prejudice the people who are being judged beforehand are the ones who suffer. They do not get fair or equal treatment and their lives are made much more harder. They are given no voice and seen as animals.
Prejudice is also caused by the result of parenting. Sometimes parents hand down their prejudice towards certain people to their children. Their children then become prejudice and the cycle continues. This is why people say that the parents are the reason why their children turn out the way they did; horrible! Prejudice is just bad news and we are better of without it but it is too late for some people. Just think before you act...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

People and Pet Relationships

Not everyone has a great relationship with their pets but many people do. They treat their pets as if they were a member of their family. A pet can become the best friend of to a person.  A pet can keep them company and occupied. With a pet they have something to care for and look after, they'll be able to feed it and show them love. A pet can develop a relationship for anyone of any age. People usually want a pet because they like that specific animal, others want a pet for the companionship. Any pet can win over someones heart. If you look after a pet, they will show you their gratitude and over time you will begin to develop a relationship with that pet and begin to love them. Anyone who owns a pet, the pet becomes an important part of their life. Pets can teach humans how to care for another living thing. Relationships that people have with animals is important because animals sometimes need the help of humans to take care of them, they can not always survive on themselves. Animals can become a big part of someones life and when they become part of a family they bring benefits to the family. However, it is important to show them who is boss still because sometimes their animal instincts can harm others. It is important to show them how to behave, like tricks or commands. For example, like down, stay, sit, etc.

Attending a college out of state

Attending a college out of state will be very stressful because there are many things you have to do before you move out. First of all, you have to find a place to stay in the other state, unless you are going to stay at the college. You would also have to find a job in order to be able to pay for college, that is not if your parents are paying for it or you have scholarships or grants. You also need  money to pay for food, toiletries, and even gas if you are driving a car. After you have a place and a job on the other state, you have to get your stuff from here to the other state. You have to be sure that you really want to go to the other state. Have the motivation that you will make it out there because if you are not sure, you will quit and your plans will go down the drain. I just wish you good luck in the future. You will also have to book a flight which is the most important thing because in order to get the other state you will have to fly their. But if you are afraid of flying then you can go in car but that's will b alot of gas. Just be safe and always keep in contact with your family and friends.